Peter-1On August 1 TAG hosted the Mick Collis One Percent Supporters Lunch . This year the luncheon managed to raise over $27,000! These funds have been donated to the Nakuru Kenya Family Project to open a new orphanage that will provide a place to call home for almost 30 disadvantaged children. This a record result and simply would not have happened without the generous donations of:

  • The West Australian Newspaper
  • Jim Kidd Sports
  • Full Circle Marine
  • Ryan Crowley
  • The Karalee Tavern
  • Panasonic
  • And many more supporters of this initiative.
In addition to this we had five luncheon guests offer to sponsor a child. Peter (pictured right) is one of the children who will now be sponsored thanks to the generosity of One Percent Luncheon attendees. You can follow the progress of the orphanage and other projects by liking the TAG Facebook page where we'll be posting regular updates. The Humanitarian One Percent is an initiative co-founded by TAG Group director Andrew Browne to offer a unique opportunity for members of the community to support and visit developing regions, paying particular attention to housing.

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