Tag Savings Plan

Tag Savings Plan

Savings - the key to creating cash through your own home.

Everyone knows that the most difficult and most important step in home ownership is having enough deposit to obtain finance. The ability to save money seems to elude many people, yet they know that once they have overcome this obstacle, the path to home ownership, future security and ongoing cash creation is open to them.This simple first step will change the course of many people’s lives and once you have obtained your first home you may never need to save again to enjoy your home ownership journey.

You’re only human.

Many people are unable to save because of the temptations surrounding them daily. That unbelievably cheap flight to Bali, the never to be repeated special on the latest home theatre, the new car, motorbike or surf board you ‘must have’, or the latest phone that didn’t seem too expensive at the time. There are temptations around every corner plus of course more practical needs such as paying the bills, putting food on the table, birthdays and Christmas. Everyone can use these excuses to avoid saving and live in a world of denial believing “it’s just not possible.” At TAG we understand how easy it is to fall into the traps and that’s why we have created TAG Savings Plan.

You won’t HOPE to be able to save – you WILL be able to save.

The TAG Savings Plan Program is a tailor-made savings plan prepared to specifically address your lifestyle so you won’t feel as if you are being forced to save against your will. It’s easy, it’s manageable and best of all it’s guaranteed.

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How it works.

  • Chart Board

    1. The Learning Stage

    We’ll explain to you some basics about managing your money.

    Some topics we will cover will include understanding the difference between good debt and bad debt, gross income and net income.

    You’ll teach us about your lifestyle, your expenses, what you earn, your goals and your real needs. We’ll learn a lot about each other, we’ll be honest with you and expect you to be honest in return.

  • Laptop

    2. The Set up Stage

    Together we’ll set realistic and achievable savings timelines and budgets and prepare you for a lifestyle with a mortgage (and your own lifelong asset – Your Own Home).

    We’ll set up a direct debit into an interest bearing savings account, arrange for salary credits with your employer and monitor the account on your behalf.

  • Piggy Bank

    3. The Start up Stage

    We’ll determine how much you can afford to spend on a new home based on your current income.

    With the savings plan in place we will set key milestones to reward your achievements along the journey to your new home.

  • 4. The Reward Stage

    Your commitment to your future is your... NEW home!

    New Home

The Cost to You

The only cost to you is your time and commitment!

Using a product from one of Australia’s leading banks, Macquarie Bank, the TAG Savings Plan is a service offered by the TAG Financial Group. Any fees received by TAG are rebated back to your savings account to help you achieve your dream sooner.

To Qualify

To qualify and to show us how serious you are about saving for your home you need to kick start the savings plan with $2,000.

Don’t wait any longer.

Don’t let one word ‘savings’ deter you from owning your own home. It really is possible for everyone and the TAG Savings Plan could be your answer.

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