At times I so wish you could all be transported to our school and orphanage in Kenya, meet our children and our families! You will see immediately their smiles of incredible appreciation! You will hear from their hearts their gratitude and so many will want to come up and shake your hand with their other hand over theirs as a sign of great respect.

You have and do change lives, through the fabulous TAG 1% Lunches!!

We have already begun to purchase larger stocks of food so that we can continue to make up food packages, currently this ongoing due to the school being closed by the Kenyan Government since May. Our children cannot come to us to have their one meal a day, so we must go out into the slums and give foods, not only to our school children but to their families too. With 300 children, we have approx. 2,700 we are assisting!

Covid has brought out profiteers who have raised the prices of foods horrendously only the rich can afford. In the slums they cannot, thus our ‘epidemic’ is starvation.

We are also keeping up the supply of water for communal use with soaps being dispersed as there is no sanitation or flowing water in the slums. We assist in burying loved ones the reason for their deaths is unknown as no autopsies are done on the poor.  There is no testing of CV-19 in the slums, it is as if they are forgotten.

Not by you though.. as soon as I have photos sent back to me from Christopher, who you have met, I will send them on to you so you will see for yourselves  the results of your amazing hard work and generosity, which is so valued by so many.

Personally I cannot express my thankfulness adequately…. just unbelievable.. I’m over the moon!!!

You’re changing these lives and hundreds more!

We thank you!


Susan Saleeba, Founder- Nakuru Hope Inc.

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